Nach Belgien kommen

Alle Informationen für diejenigen, die nach Belgien kommen möchten.

Visum für Belgien

Alle Informationen zur Beantragung eines Visums für Belgien.
  1. Zuletzt aktualisiert am

Biometric data taken for visa D applicants

As of 01/12/2018, all D visa applicants (study, work, family reunion,  etc.) must appear in person at the Belgian Embassy in Vienna, at least once during the visa application process, to register their  fingerprints (10 fingers) and digital photo. All data is stored in compliance with the general data protection regulations.


  • Holders of diplomatic or service passports accredited or assigned to a diplomatic mission abroad, or who hold office with an international organization with headquarters or representation abroad, and members their family (spouse and dependent children) are exempt from fingerprinting.
  • Children under 6 are also exempt from fingerprinting.


1. I live in Austria and would like to visit Belgium for 90 days or less. Do I need to apply for a short term visa (Schengen Visa, Type C)?

  • If you have a valid passport and a valid Austrian residence permit, you can enter Belgium without a Schengen visa for a period of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

2. I will work or study in Belgium for more than 90 days. Do I need to apply for a long term visa (Type D)?

  • A type D visa is required for non-European Union nationals. Type D visa is a national visa for a stay in Belgium, exceeding 90 days. It also entitles the bearer to stay in or transit through one or more other Schengen countries for a total of up to 90 days within a 180 days period.

3. What are the conditions to apply for a visa at the Belgian Embassy in Vienna?

  • To apply, you need a valid Austrian residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel, …) and a passport/travel document which is valid for at least another 12 months, and contains at least two blank visa pages.

4. I am not residing in Austria. Can I still submit a visa application to the Belgian Embassy in Vienna?

  • No. The Belgian Embassy in Vienna can only process visa applications from applicants holding a valid residence permit in Austria.

5. Can I apply after my Austrian residence permit has expired?

  • No. If your Austrian residence permit has expired, you cannot apply anymore.

6. What is the procedure for submitting a visa application?

  • You have first to contact the visa section of this Embassy by email to receive the list of documents you have to submit according to the kind of visa you apply (work, study, etc.):
  • Once your application and documents are received, we will process it within approximately 10-15 working days. In the peak season (beginning of May-end of September), you will have to count on 20-25 working days.
  • If your application is complete and approved, you will be contacted to make an appointment to fetch your visa.

7. What’s the address to send my visa application?

  • Belgian Embassy in Vienna - Visa section, Schönburgstraße 10, 1040 Wien, Österreich
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours: working days: 9-12 A.M, only by appointment

8. Can I come in person to lodge my application?

  • Yes, but by appointment only. Please note that your application can only be handed over and will not be verified at that time.
  • The Embassy advises you to send your application per registered post.
  • If you apply for a Schengen visa we will ask you to make an appointment for the biometric data collection.

9. Can I submit a visa application even though I do not have all the required documents?

  • Visa applications will only be accepted if they are complete and in one sets of copies.

10. How can I make an appointment?

  • You can only make an appointment after having sent all the documents via registered mail or in person, and after your application has been approved. We will contact you at that point to make an appointment to fetch your visa.

11. Can I contact you by telephone if I have questions?

  • Please refer to the ‘Visa for Belgium’ information on our website, or email your question to

12. How can I pay?

  • Payment have to be done only by bank transfer. Please send us a proof of payment for all the bank transfers together with your application.
  • Bank details for the payment of the visa handling fee to be paid to the Belgian embassy in Vienna:
    Bank: Bank Austria
    Beneficiary: Belgische Kanzlei Wien, Schönburgstraße 10, A 1040 Wien
    Bank account: IBAN: AT11 1200022910193101 / BIC (SWIFT): BKAUATWW
  • Bank details for the visa contribution fee to be paid to FPS Home Affairs, Immigration Office
    BPost, Muntcentrum, B-1000 Brussel
    FOD Binnenlandse zaken, Dienst vreemdelingenzaken, Antwerpse Steenweg 59B, B-1000 Brussel
    Bank account:   
    BAN: BE57 6792 0060 9235, BIC: PCHQBEBB  
    Last and first name of the applicant (as mentioned in the passport), nationality, date of birth: day (DD)- month (MM) – year (YYYY)
  • More information on the visa contribution can be found on the website of the FPS Home Affairs
  • If your application concerns multiple applicants, each one will have to pay the applicable visa fees.
  • In the event of a refusal, the visa fees will not be refunded.

13. How can I legalize the medical certificate which will be used to apply for a work permit?

  • Once the medical certificate is filled out, you can send it to the Belgian Embassy in Vienna to be stamped. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

14. What is the Police Clearance Certificate and how can I get it?

  • Visa applicants who are underage are not requested to present a police clearance certificate.
  • Visa applicants major have to present a Police Clearance Certificate for the last 12 months. In case you were living in more than one country the last 12 months, you will need a Police Clearance Certificate from all the countries where you were living the past 12 months (except for Belgium).
  • In Austria, this document is called “Strafregisterbescheinigung” and can be obtained at the Politzikommisariat of your residence.

15. Can I apply for a visa in one of the Belgian Honorary consulates in Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia?

  • No. The Belgian consulates in Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia are Honorary Consulates. They don’t have the authority to deal with visa.
  • If you are resident in Austria and in Slovakia your application needs to be sent to the Belgian Embassy in Vienna.
  • If you are resident in Slovenia your application needs to be sent to the Belgian Embassy in Zagreb (

16. Do I have to send my passport together with my application?

  • No, we only ask to send a copy of the first three pages of your passport + relevant pages with stamps/visa. You will have to bring your passport when you fetch your visa.

17. Do I need to legalize my supporting documents?

  • The foreign official documents must be legalized or carry an apostille, unless an exemption is granted in a treaty. All the relevant information on this formality is available on the website of the SPF Foreign Affairs.
  • Austrian documents don’t need to be legalized nor carry an apostille.

18. Do I need to have a translation done if the document is not in French, Dutch, German or English?

  • Documents that are not in French, Dutch, German or English have to be translated in accordance with the original by a sworn translator.

19. I will be staying in Belgium for professional reasons (work as an employee or traineeship). Do I need a work permit?

  • As a general rule, a foreign worker wishing to provide services in Belgium in the framework of a work contract may be admitted to work by his employer only after obtaining a work permit, regardless of the duration of the employment.
  • The company or organization that invites you must take the necessary steps with the competent regional authority before your arrival in Belgium. You will obtain a visa once your employer has obtained an employment permit.
  • You are not authorized to start your professional activity as long as you do not hold the required work permit.
  • The work permit (Type B) you will obtain, applies for that specific employer, for that specific occupation and for a maximum duration of 12 months, a period which is renewable.
  • Work permit exemption:
    • For some specific professional activities, you do not need a work permit.
    • Please consult the website of the regions for more information on the procedure to follow for an employment permit and a work permit B application, on the conditions for exemption, labor market etc. Employment in:

      Walloon Region
      Brussels-Capital region
      German-speaking Community
      Flemish Region                            ​​​​​

20. What is the mandatory Limosa Declaration?

  • As of 1 April 2007, some categories of foreign apprentices, self-employed apprentices, foreign employees and self-employed persons (EU citizens as well) must declare their activities in Belgium, before starting to work or doing their internship in Belgium.
  • You will find more information about the mandatory declaration on the website of LIMOSA or with the Limosa Contact center: 
    Website of Limosa
    Limosa Contact Center, Postfach 224, 1050 Brüssel
    Tel.: 0032 (0) 2 788 51 57
    Opening Hours: Monday till Friday, 7.00 A.M. till 8.00 P.M.
    Languages: Dutch, French, English, German

21. I am a Belgian citizen, living in Austria and want to travel to a non EU- country. What documents do I need?

  • All required information can be found here (Dutch or French only)

For further information please consult  the Embassy/Consulate of the country of your destination.

The Belgian Embassy only deals with visa applications for non-EU citizens going to Belgium.